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Rio 2016

Comercial da marca de roupas esportivas norueguesa, XXL Sport & Villmark, sobre os Jogos Olímpicos  no Rio de Janeiro 2016.

Sport unites us across conflicts. This is the message we want to convey in our new commercial. When the Olympic Games kick off in Rio, it will be a time of great sporting achievements, samba and colorful festivities.

However, not everyone will be joining in the festivities. Because despite its beauty, Rio is a city of contrasts. In the shadow of the Olympic celebrations you will find the street children of Rio living in the Favelas where the glossy image of the Olympics is obliterated by poverty and tough conditions.

Sport creates hope in the face of an everyday life which is both demanding and difficult for many people.

In Brazil everyone loves football, almost without exception. Playing football or another sport together is definitely a positive thing. It can overcome obstacles and resolve conflicts. It creates unity and solidarity, and lays the foundation for dialogue. This is what we focus on in our new commercial. And if there’s anything Rio de Janeiro needs, then it is arenas for peaceful co-existence.