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ISBN 9783030846855

Football and Social Sciences in Brazil






Editora da Unicamp; Springer


Resumo (outro idioma)

This book presents a kaleidoscopic view of the multidisciplinary field of research developed within Brazilian social sciences to study football as a major cultural and social phenomenon in the country. As a contributed volume, it brings together chapters authored by researchers from different disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, history, geography, economy, communication studies and physical education, who contributed to make Brazilian football a multifaceted object of study for the human and social sciences.   

The book is divided in four parts. The first two parts are dedicated to the “classic” areas, in which the best known research lines are concentrated: part one focuses on politics and history, while part two is dedicated to sociology and anthropology. The third part brings together studies from other four different areas: communication studies, geography, economy and physical education. The fourth part is organized not by disciplines, but around transversal themes, such as gender, violence, fans and racism.

The varied approaches and different interpretations brought together in this book seek to provide an overview of the fertile academic debate that has stimulated the renewal of scientific research on football in Brazil, which makes Football and Social Sciences in Brazil a useful resource for researchers from different disciplines within the human and social sciences interested in the study of football as major cultural and social phenomenon all over the world. 


Contents 1

1 Football as a Multifaceted Object of Academic Studies in Brazil
Sérgio Settani Giglio and Marcelo Weishaupt Proni

Part I Politics and History

2 Football and Politics, 13
Luiz Carlos Ribeiro

3 “My Concern Was to Play Football”: Relations Between Football and Dictatorship, 31
Sérgio Settani Giglio

4 The Political Dimension of “Futebol-Arte”, 49
José Paulo Florenzano

5 1982 World Cup: Democratic Winds in Spain and Brazil, 65
Alvaro Vicente do Cabo

6 Brazilian Football and History, 85
João Manuel Casquinha Malaia Santos

7 Myths, Football and National Identity (1930–1983), 97
Denaldo Alchorne de Souza

8 Order and Progress on the Grandstands: Sports Journalism and the Genesis of Uniformed Football Fans During the Political Regime of the Estado Novo (1937–1945), 113
Bernardo Buarque de Hollanda and Aníbal Chaim

Part II Sociology and Anthropology

9 Sport and Society in the Writings of Roberto DaMatta, 133
Alexandre Fernandez Vaz

10 Neymar, Football and the Formation of a Neoliberal Culture, 149
Michel Nicolau Netto and Sávio Cavalcante

11 A Modernity that is not Complete? Ideas and Interpretations About Brazilian Football, 173
Juliano de Souza and Wanderley Marchi Júnior

12 FIFA, BRICS, and the Soft Power Discourse: Analysis of the World Cup in South Africa, Brazil, and Russia, 193
Marco Bettine

13 Football and Anthropology in Brazil, 205
Arlei Sander Damo

14 An Ethnographic Game of Fluid Categories of Analysis, 227
Enrico Spaggiari

15 Garrincha, Pelé and Maradona: The Sporting Sacred in Times of Football Icon Veneration, 243
Luiz Henrique de Toledo

16 When Does the World Cup 2014 Event Start and End? , 263
Martin Curi Part III Other Areas

17 Football and Communication Studies in Brazil: Fences and Crossroads of an Indisciplinary Field, 281
Édison Gastaldo

18 Sport and the Media in Brazil: Vices and Virtues of a Secular Marriage, 291
José Carlos Marques

19 World Cups’ Geography: Urban Brazil in 1950 , 307
Gilmar Mascarenhas

20 Stadiums and Arenas as Privileged Lenses to Capture Changes in Urban Space, 321
Fernando da Costa Ferreira

21 The Football Industry in Brazil, 335
Marcelo Weishaupt Proni

22 The Controversy Over the Introduction of the VAR in Brazil, 373
Sérgio Settani Giglio and Marcelo Weishaupt Proni

Part IV Transversal Themes

23 Life Projects, Women and Football, 397
Osmar Moreira de Souza Júnior and Heloisa Helena Baldy dos Reis

24 Brazil is Hexa: Marta’s Sporting Career, 413
Cláudia Samuel Kessler and Silvana Vilodre Goellner

25 Gender Expressions and the Multiple Practices of Football in Brazil, 429
Wagner Xavier de Camargo

26 Football, Violence, and Democratic Politics in Brazil, 443
Heloisa Helena Baldy dos Reis and Mariana Zuaneti Martins

27 Narratives About Football Hooliganism in Brazil: (De)constructing the Label “Violent Supporter”, 457
Felipe Tavares Paes Lopes

28 The Experience of Cheering in (So-Called) “Modern Football”, 471
Silvio Ricardo da Silva and Priscila Augusta Ferreira Campos

29 Brazilian Racism in Football, 489
Bruno Otávio de Lacerda Abrahão and Antonio Jorge Gonçalves Soares

30 “This is a Reality”: The Racism Narrated by Black Characters in Brazilian Football, 507
Marcel Diego Tonini

Index, 527


GIGLIO, Sérgio Settani; PRONI, Marcelo Weishaupt. (Orgs.). Football and Social Sciences in Brazil. Campinas; Cham: Editora da Unicamp; Springer, 2021.

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