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ISBN 0714649686
Futebol na África, FIFA

Africa football and FIFA

politics, colonialism and resistance



Futebol na África, FIFA

Área de concentração









Este livro explora o papel da FIFA na intermediação do desenvolvimento do futebol na África e sua relação com as associações de futebol daquele continente. A África não é mais uma periferia do futebol mundial, mas as disparidades econômicas entre o primeiro e o terceiro mundo impedem o desenvolvimento do futebol. O autor mostra de forma convincente como avanço da África no futebol mundial está ligada à sua economia política nacional e como o equilíbrio de poder dentro da FIFA ainda favorece claramente os seus membros europeus.


This book explores the role of FIFA in brokering the development of football in Africa and its relationship with that continent”s football associations and regional governing body. Africa is no longer on the periphery of world football but the economic disparities between the first and the third worlds hinder the development of the game. The author shows convincingly how Africa”s advance within world football is tied to its national political economy and how the balance of power within FIFA still clearly favours its European members.


Foreword, ix

Series Editor”s Foreword, xiii

Acknowledgements, xvii

Introduction, 1

1. Football diffusion and colonial doctrine in Africa, 8

2. Football, indigenous resistence and African independence, 23

3. FIFA, eurocentrism and the distributions of power in world football, 43

4. Africa, thir world solidarity and the FIFA presidency, 57

5. Havelange, Africa resistence and the struggle for global equity, 85

6. UEFA, FIFA and the scramble for Africa, 108

7. Africa and the campaign for the summit of world football, 136

8. Theorising Africa”s place in FIFA”s global order, 161

Conclusion, 180

Epilogue, 188

Notes, 192

Bibliography, 218

Index, 231


DARBY, Paul. Africa football and FIFA: politics, colonialism and resistance. Londres: Routledge, 2002.

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