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ISBN 0007208693
Futebol, Corrupção, FIFA

FOUL! The secret world of FIFA

bribes, vote rigging and ticket scandals



Futebol, Corrupção, FIFA

Área de concentração

Jornalismo Investigativo


Reino Unido







FOUl é o resultado de sete anos de pesquisa nas profundezas daqueles que controlam o jogo mais popular do planeta. Ela traça a degeneração da FIFA sob a liderança de João Havelange e Blatter Sepp.

O autor revela a fraudes eleitorais que colocou Blatter no poder e o clientelismoque o mantém lá. E no fundo … o fluxo incessante de propinas a funcionários selecionados em troca de contratos de bilhões de dólares.
Em uma entrevista sensacional para a edição um executivo envolvido no pagamento da propina revela como o dinheiro era “lavado”, a intervalos regulares, através de contas bancárias em paraísos fiscais.
Há novas divulgações sobre a desastrosa decisão da FIFA de mentir para a MasterCard e VISA, forjar uma assinatura em um contrato com efeitos retroativos e grosseiramente editar uma fita de uma reunião do comitê da FIFA, na esperança de enganar um juiz de Nova York.



Preface, xiii

1 Blatter’s ticking time-bomb, 1
a kickback lands on sepp’s desk

2 Goodbye sir Stan, 8
hello to a new world of sport

3 Sepp Blatter, made by Adidas, 19
a new leader rolls off dassler’s production line

4 Sepp makes his move on Havelange, 32
. . . and lives to tell the tale

5 Havelange wants to get seriously rich, 39
can he turn FIFA into a bookie’s shop?

6 Dassler’s boys lose the Olympics, 48
. . . and need football more than ever

7 A strange fight for the World Cup, 54
referee: Sepp Blatter

8 Exit Havelange, foot in mouth, 61
Blatter moves into position

9 The king is dead, long live the king, 74
Blatter delivers the money

10 Daylight robbery again, 86
How they stole the vote in Paris

11 President Blatter and the golden goose, 95
Leafing through sepp’s expenses

12 ‘Mr president, how much does FIFA, 105
pay you?’
‘er . . .’

13 From carrots and sticks. . . 112
Blatter builds his citadel

14 Divide and rule, 122
FIFA’s civil war

15 A messiah for Trinidad, 131
the rise and rise of jack warner

16 Behold! I send my messenger, 140
chuck the baptist

17 Hurray for youth sport, 150
. . . and the warner family piggybank

18 Bigger, bigger and bigger. . . 164
weber puffs up the isl bubble

19 Weber’s ship is sinking, 171
will sepp come to the rescue?

20 Greenhorns to the rescue, 180
FIFA family therapy, mckinsey-style

21 Own goal! 188
sleeping dogs wake up and bark

22 The FIFA house is burning, 200
who struck the match?

23 Blatter for transparency, 212
‘every question can be asked and answered!’

24 A warm welcome for Mr Sepp. . . 231
boos all round

25 The empire strikes back, 249
revolution in the caribbean

26 Sepp Blatter breaks Mandela’s heart, 267

27 Poisoning, drug-bust and kidnap, 286
meet blatter’s new pr man

28 Charm and destabilise, 294
hargitay brings the press into line
29 Some questions for Mr Blatter, 301
. . . some answers from his lawyer

30 FIFA fairy tales, 317
clawing back the money

31 Psst, want a ticket for the World Cup? 336
jack warner’s got thousands to sell

32 Chasing those bribes, 352
please, someone, speak to us!

33 Lies, adultery and fabrication, 360
how sepp plays fair
Postscript, 379

Appendix, 381

Index, 421



JENNINGS, Andrew. FOUL! The secret world of FIFA: bribes, vote rigging and ticket scandals. Londres: HarperSport, 2006.

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