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ISBN 0880119586
Aspectos Políticos

Power, politics and the Olympic Games

A history of the power brokers, events, and controversies that shaped the Games



Aspectos Políticos

Área de concentração

Jogos Olímpicos






Human Kinetics


Poder, Política e os Jogos Olímpicos oferece a mais atualizado e abrangente história do movimento olímpico. Não é um livro de registro completo dos resultados e estatísticas. Pelo contrário, é um perspicaz e de exploração acessível da história dos Jogos Olímpicos e como a política tem grande papel desde o íncio dos Jogos modernos em 1896. O livro cobre todo o século XX. Este livro fornece uma interpretação analítica e criteriosa dos mitos que cercam os jogos e mostra-lhe as realidades políticas e econômicas, rituais, política e show business são combinados no maior encontro internacional no mundo. A visibilidade dos Jogos o tornou em um alvo atraente para causas políticas e sociais.


Preface, vii

Acknowledgments, viii

Introdution, x

Part I: The formative years, 1
1. The Olympic Family, 5
2. Coubertin”s creation, 19
3. Starting anew, 35
4. The Berlin Games, 49

Part II: The Brundage Era, 65
5. Another war, 69
6. Entry of the Soviets, 83
7. The Cold War arena, 97
8. The idealist at the helm, 111
9. The issue of political discrimination, 125
10. Brundage”s troubled last team, 141

Part III – “Opening” the Games, 155
11. Seeking the Lee, 159
12. Boycott!, 173
13. …and again!, 189
14. Reconstructing the Olympic edifice, 203
15. The last Cold War Games, 219
16. The collapse of the Soviet Union, 233
17. The capitalist centennial Games, 247
18. From Atlanta to Nagano, 263
19. Entering the 21st Century, 275

List of acronyms, 287

Bibliography and references, 289

Index, 300

About the author, 315


Power, Politics, and the Olympic Games offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive history of the Olympic movement on the market. It is not a record book full of sterile results and statistics. Rather, it is an insightful and accessible exploration of the history of the Olympics and how big a role politics has played since the modern Games began in 1896. The book covers the entire 20th century and includes Sydney”s bid and preparation for their 2000 Games. This book provides an analytical and judicious interpretation of the myths surrounding the games and shows you the political and economic realities as ritual, sports, politics, and show business are combined in the largest regularly scheduled international gathering in the world. You”ll learn who serves on the International Olympic Committee and what they do, how the various host cities are chosen, and even which countries, teams, and athletes get to participate. The unique visibility of the Games make them an attractive target for political and social causes, and Power, Politics, and the Olympic Gamesdiscusses in detail many of these controversies. Many of today”s controversies are not all that new, and Power, Politics, and the Olympic Gamesoffers you a unique historical perspective into the who, what, when, where, how, and-most importantly-why behind the many disputes and conflicts that have plagued the modern Games.


SENN, Alfred Erich. Power, politics and the Olympic Games: A history of the power brokers, events, and controversies that shaped the Games. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1999.

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