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ISSN 1743-9035
Dossiê Africa Regional Issue: Sport and Colonialism in Lusophone Africa

A Star is Born: Eusébio, Football, and Ideology in the Late Portuguese Empire


n. 4




v. 35


Dossiê Africa Regional Issue: Sport and Colonialism in Lusophone Africa


p. 374-388



Luso-tropicalism was a means of reinterpreting the history of Portuguese colonization that gained momentum during the last decades of authoritarian rule, when a series of discourses and rituals fostered the idea that Portugal was a multiracial country, geographically diverse, and yet a politically homogeneous unit. I will argue here that somea number of mass culture events and figures, namely football icons, such as Eusébio, contributed to the reproduction and banalization of the key themes of Luso-tropicalism outside the institutional framework. Seen by many as an icon of Portuguese multiracialism, Eusébio’s trajectory, this essay argues, offered a constant, butyet barely conscious, a reminder of Portuguese nationality, thus making Luso-tropicalism unforgettable.

Keywords: Nationalism, ideology, lusophone Africa, colonial ideology, Eusébio da Silva Ferreira


CARDãO, Marcos. A Star is Born: Eusébio, Football, and Ideology in the Late Portuguese Empire. The International Journal of the History of Sport. Londres, v. 35, n. 4, p. 374-388, 2018.

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